Step 1: Identifying the Intervention Area
The CACC project started in 2005, after the creation of the first coalition in the neighbourhood of Juan Ingunza Valdivia, in El Callao.
Before the execution of the project, it was necessary to perform a pre-project evaluation by making a diagnostic of the area chosen for intervention in order to develop a suitable intervention strategy, according to the needs and characteristics of the area.
This intervention strategy was a very usefull tool for us, because it allowed our technical team to evaluate and monitor the project. Also, it was a key instrument for the partnership and the achievement of our main goals: build a healthy community and prevent drugs consumption. This process was based on CADCA quality standards requirements.
Step 2: Creating the Coalition of Juan Ingunza
The next step was the creation of the coalition. So, we had to identify the most important leaders of the community of Juan Ingunza. To achieve that goal, we used house by house interviews to recognize the community leaders. After that, we could identify:
- Young leaders: Ronald Espejo (member of the CAC of Juan Ingunza) and "the Carlos Phillips Association".
- Adult leaders: César Sánchez (member of "Juan Ingunza Valdivia Association"), Gladys Castiglioni, Micaela Ellis, Julia Saldívar, Eliana Roselló and Isabel Herrera (members of Bocanegra Neighbourhood Development Committee).
- Institutional Leaders: My. PNP Hugo Huertas (Superintendent of Juan Ingunza); Dr. Jorge Santamaría Ortiz (Luis Negreiros Hospital) and Father Rosales (San Juan Masías Church).
- Hospitals: Luis Negreiros (Public Hospital), and the National Police Health Center.
- Primary and Secondary Schools: Francisco de Zela, Jesús Divino Maestro, Juan Ingunza Valdivia, Nuestra Señora de Hualamita, San Ignacio de Loyola;
- Elementary Schools: Hualamito, La Casita de mis Sueños, Mi Futuro Mundo, Mi Pequeño Sol.
- Police Station: Cape Juan Ingunza Valdivia
Step 3: Coalitions´ Model Management
Strategic Prevention Framework
It is used to modify the community social context focused on drug consumption and drug trading. To implement this framework, the constant support given by the CEDRO Technical Team is necessary.
Diagnostic: Analyzing information about problems, goals and so on. Setting the mission, vision and values of the coalition. SWOT diagnostic.
Resources: Organization structure and check and balance mechanisms coalition setting.
Planning: Developing a strategic prevention framework; doing and using strategic plans.
Implementation: Supporting the drug-consumption prevention work.
Goals Measuring: Through suitable social indicators.
Step 4: Strengthening Coalitions
First of all, it was decided that the Coalition of Juan Ingunza had to be registered as an association. By this way, the coalitions could obtain legal powers to obtain funds and donations from publics and private actors. As an association, the coalition has two organs/agencies: the assembly and the directory.
The assembly approved the articles of the coalition of Juan Ingunza.
Then, it was conformed the directory of the coalitons and its members swore loyalty to the neighbourhood of Juan Ingunza and Narcotics Affaire Section (NAS) agents.
At the same time, the Coalition of Juan Ingunza, with the support of CEDRO technical team, proposed a plan to involve young people to Coalitions Project.
Step 5: Coalition In Action!!
Since then, the Coalition of Juan Ingunza has been working hard to be a healthy, safe and drug-free community.